Vocalpoint Free Bounce Dryer Bar


Bronze Member
Mar 16, 2010
Reaction score
The Bounce® Dryer Bar puts
a fresh spin on laundry.
The Bounce Dryer Bar releases automatic freshness,
softness and static control for months.* And while
we can’t promise you’ll love doing laundry, we can
promise you’ll love doing it with a little less hassle.

The first 5,000 to sign up will receive a coupon
for a FREE 2-month bar. Others will receive a
coupon for $2.50 OFF ANY Bounce Dryer Bar while
supplies last.** Both groups get coupons
to share with friends.

Vocalpoint - Bounce

It's back:) ON facebook.
I'm getting the $2.50 coupons from a prior offer--and they won't give me anything else now. They are being mean.
"Thanks for your enthusiasm, but we have already received your submission." Yep, must have signed up the last time it was posted. I really need to start writing these things down!
I'm getting the $2.50 coupons from a prior offer--and they won't give me anything else now. They are being mean.

you are not the only one suffering the abuse! :) :rofl:
I never got anything or did any and it said i did :(
still waiting for that coupon

as am i, vocalpoint gets behind sometimes. i love it when they keep asking for feedback before they send the sample