(Exp) Cinnabon Buy One Get One Free on August 15th Celebrate Better Call Saul FinaleCinnabon is offering a buy one, get one free Cinnabon on August 15th, 2022! That Monday, Better Call Saul fans (the haters are welcome, too) can get a free Center of the Roll, which is described as the "ooegy-gooey center of the brand's classic cinnamon roll," using the coupon code CALLSAUL through the Cinnabon app. (That same code can also be used for a free 30-day trial of AMC+.) Here's how it works:
Only for August 15th, 2022
Step 1Download/install the Cinnabon App
Step 2Open the Cinnabon app & sign into Cinnabon Rewards
Step 3Tap "Unlock a Code" and enter
CALLSAULStep 4This will give you BOGO Free
Link to DetailsLink to Cinnabon Rewards