Free Trump Lost Get Over It Sticker

Posted on Jan 08th 2022
Free Trump Lost Get Over It Sticker
Emma Johnson
By Emma Johnson


MoveOn is offering a free Trump Lost Get Over It sticker.

Please keep the comments civil. We post any free deals we can find. If there is a free sticker for "Let's go Brandon", we would post it the same.

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Go to MoveOn

Step 2
Fill out the form

Step 3
Sticker will arrive in a few weeks

Also take a look at other Freebies going on Right Now

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Guest #8192 - 3 years ago
We need to keep politics out of here...on when our republic is not at risk from nut it is now. Go TRUMP!!!
Guest #8191 - 3 years ago
Biden Destroyed America
Guest #8190 - 3 years ago
LOL. It's free. But the Snowflakes sure are triggered. Here's the typical GOP response 4 years ago... Don't like it? Go somewhere else. Like leave the country.

And... the win was Bigly.

It was the Bigliest win in the history of winning. It was huge. And beautiful. So beautiful. Some people say it was the biggest ever. But I don't know. But we did win. And we won Bigly. Some say the greatest electoral college victory in the history of the United States. And now you have to accept that we won in such a bigly beautiful fashion. Huge Bigly. If you deduct all the low intelligence voters we actually won 100% of the vote. That's huge. The biggest ever. And so beautiful.
Guest #8189 - 3 years ago
Stay triggered crackers
Guest #8188 - 3 years ago
To be fare Emma wanted this response, people who often say they want peace actually want the opposite. Peace is allowing someone with a different view or belief get along and move forward together. This post was the opposite, trying to create a bigger divide. BEING AMERICAN KNOWS NO RACE, RELIGION, SEX, PARTY. WE THE PEOPLE HAVE FORGOTTEN WHAT IT MEANS TO BE AN AMERICAN. TO BE AN AMERICAN IS TO COME TOGETHER AND RESPECT EVERYONE VALUES AND BELIEFS EVEN THE ONES YOU DON'T AGREE WITH. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE RIGHT TO BE AN AMERICAN...
Guest #8187 - 3 years ago
Damn people it’s funny move on! I’m a Trump supporter and want to sneak it on my fellow Trump fans cars to laugh.
Guest #8186 - 3 years ago
'There are some fine people on both sides'
Truer words have never been spoken.
That bring said, ability for Trump to live 'rent free' is truly enviable ?
Guest #8183 - 3 years ago
GpD - you’re apologizing to Emma for someone else? That’s an illness of another kind. I happen to agree with the rant. & posting a ‘deal’ like this is reprehensible. It does not belong here.
Guest #8182 - 3 years ago
Democrats I think are having a harder time accepting it than Republicans
Guest #8181 - 3 years ago
As much as I’m glad Trump lost, I personally don’t recommend anyone be spiteful about it. Rise above it so we can try to bring people together.
Guest #8180 - 3 years ago
The Trumpers need their safe space lol
Guest #8179 - 3 years ago
What a pack of idiots!
Guest #8178 - 3 years ago
Let’s go Brandon!
UglyCasanova - 3 years ago
Man the MAGA folk are an odd bunch. Proof above.
Guest #8176 - 3 years ago
native American are the only ones that can demand to deport from the Americas
Guest #8175 - 3 years ago
Let’s Go Brandon! Biden agrees
GpD - 3 years ago
I have to agree with the other commenters who suggested to keep politics off this site. The amount of vitriol, delusion, and quite frankly, unmanaged mental illness that is evident in some of these responses is disturbing. That being said, the personal attacks aimed at you are totally unacceptable and I apologize on behalf of that concerningly troubled commenter. You don't deserve that due to posting a 'deal' that causes others to get triggered.
Guest #8173 - 3 years ago
It’s probably best for your websites sake to pass on spreading political deals altogether. You will definitely loose followers posting all this nonsense.
diGriz - 3 years ago
Fargin Mayans.

There you go, EMMA-€¦ you scumbag! -€œget over Trump losing???-€ You piece of GARBAGE! The USA has NEVER BEEN IN SUCH A HORRIBLE SITUATION as it is now in, due to the LIBERAL SOCIALISTS-€™ DESTRUCTION of the USA and using the Constitution to wipe their collective A$$E$! F*%K YOU, EMMA! SHAME ON YOU! YOU SHOULD BE DEPORTED WITH THE OTHER TWO MILLION ILLEGALS THAT ARE AS BIG A CANCER AS THE POWER MAD A$$HOLES (starting with the senile place holder & his USELESS MONKEY ON A LEASH) that are raping this country.

Someone went off their meds. :eek:
Guest #8169 - 3 years ago
Stop stop stop! Enough! I am tired and sad. When Trump won I accepted the results, I believe in our democracy.
Guest #8168 - 3 years ago
Trump lost. Get over it.
Guest #8167 - 3 years ago
No wonder our adversaries take advantage of the situation. Our country has never been so divided.
Guest #8166 - 3 years ago
Look at all the triggered snowflakes lol
Guest #8165 - 3 years ago
Haha…so many triggered trumpers…too juicy
Guest #8164 - 3 years ago
Everyone should get as many of these stickers as possible and just post videos of yourself cutting, shredding, stomping, ripping these up hahah

This is why so many people like myself can’t support democrats anymore - they’re crazy!! Still talking about trump …. I don’t remember hearing anyone talk about Clinton losing so much
Guest #8163 - 3 years ago
These comments are funny. Can’t believe some people actually believe Trump’s crap.
Guest #8162 - 3 years ago
There you go, EMMA… you scumbag! “get over Trump losing???” You piece of GARBAGE! The USA has NEVER BEEN IN SUCH A HORRIBLE SITUATION as it is now in, due to the LIBERAL SOCIALISTS’ DESTRUCTION of the USA and using the Constitution to wipe their collective A$$E$! F*%K YOU, EMMA! SHAME ON YOU! YOU SHOULD BE DEPORTED WITH THE OTHER TWO MILLION ILLEGALS THAT ARE AS BIG A CANCER AS THE POWER MAD A$$HOLES (starting with the senile place holder & his USELESS MONKEY ON A LEASH) that are raping this country.
Guest #8161 - 3 years ago
oh please …. When Trump won, the losers whined for 4 years….
Guest #8160 - 3 years ago
Because we rather have what we now have ?
Guest #8159 - 3 years ago
Time to get those “let’s go Brandon” bunch all triggered.
Guest #8157 - 3 years ago
The Washington Post cited along with the liberal anti-Semitic group, A.N.S.W.E.R., as one of the early opponents of removing the fascist regime of Saddam Hussein.
Guest #8155 - 3 years ago
Let's Go Brandon!!!
Guest #8154 - 3 years ago
Where is the one that states that biden cheated?
Guest #8150 - 3 years ago
Why not just keep it non-political period? All you're doing is spreading liberal propaganda and MoveOn is the propaganda machine.
Guest #8149 - 3 years ago
Why even bring politics into this? Did you not have another ad for a buttplug to post?
Guest #8148 - 3 years ago
I don't think those stickers would be the same. That said, you should keep politics off this site. We are divided enough without throwing fuel on the fire. Just sayin...
Guest #8147 - 3 years ago
Trump Won - Biden was installed like a toilet. The vote was rigged and now we all pay the price. Even you lefties.
Guest #8145 - 3 years ago
I usually prefer regular toilet paper to these things.
Guest #8144 - 3 years ago
Stickers are bad for the environment please be responsible we only get one earth...
Guest #8143 - 3 years ago
No thanks. Absolutely nothing has been better since Biden and 'her'