Free Welchs Fruit Snacks Best Kids Lunch Box Party Kit for 250 PeopleRipple Street is offering 250 people a few boxes of Welch's Fruit Snacks. There are only about 1200 people that applied so far so your chances are roughly 1/5.
250 spots available. Chances are roughly 20%
If selected and confirmed as a host, your exclusive Party Pack will contain
- 1 box of Welchs Fruit Snacks
- 1 box of Welchs Juicefuls Juicy Fruit Snacks
- 1 box of Welchs Fruit n Yogurt Snacks
Step 1You can apply until September 27th, 2022.
They pick and choose the winner and assume that you are more likely to win if you seem more social
Step 2Link to the application Step 3September 28th - Winners are selected
Let us know if you win!
Step 4October 10 - October 22
Packs Received & Try Product
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