Google Referrer Header Class Action Settlement. Sign up for $23 Million Dollars

Posted on Jun 24th 2023
Google Referrer Header Class Action Settlement. Sign up for $23 Million Dollars
By glitterdog


Google Lawsuit Settlement! You qualify if you clicked on a Google search result in the United States from October 26, 2006 through September 30, 2013

Submit this claim by July 31st, 2023

Step 1
Go to refererheadersettlement

Step 2
If you do not have a Class Member ID, you must register by clicking on their link

Step 3
You will get a Class Member ID in your email immediately

Step 4
Go to refererheadersettlement to fill out the form

Comment on this deal

Guest - No login needed!
Guest #1637 - 1 year ago
The estimated pay out is about $7.70. Not sure if it's worth the effort.
Guest #404 - 1 year ago
The payment part of the form doesn't show anything for me on Firefox.
Guest #401 - 1 year ago
Thanks but this will end up as a check for about 12 cents. So many respondents with a relatively small gross settlement amount… the attorneys bringing the suit will get MILLIONS, however. Class action suits are generally a PERVERSION of our legal system, designed by attorneys, for attorneys. (PS - I received a check from the Ebay class action suit some years back for 15 cents).
Guest #5531 - 1 year ago
anyone able to submit successfully??? the payment selection is blank and not able to select
Guest #792 - 1 year ago
I can't find any reputable news site that mentions this settlement. There was a privacy settlement but I can't find anything about this one. Any link we can use to verify this isn't just a spam/spoof site?
Spoofee - 1 year ago!
Thank you Glitterdog!