How To Do The Hotel $20 Room Upgrade Trick

Posted on Oct 20th 2019
How To Do The Hotel $20 Room Upgrade Trick
Emma Johnson
By Emma Johnson


Las Vegas has over 62,000 hotel rooms. This is a trick known at Vegas hotels, but probably will work anywhere. Commonly known as the $20 sandwich trick. #vegasstrong

Next time you are about to stay at a hotel, try the following to be upgraded to a better room or even a suite with a $20 tip to the hotel clerk.

Note : People have a success rate of 74.57% by doing this.

Step 1
Watch this video which shows it being demonstrated

Step 2
Go to FrontDeskTip to see the success stories people are having at the hotel you are going to

Step 3
Call ahead and know the availability of the hotel during your stay.

Step 4
Have a $20 bill

Step 5
Pick a hotel clerk that looks like they may do you a favor and be friendly with a smile

Step 6
When they ask for an ID and credit card, hand them a $20 bill with them. It helps to know which hotel room you want to be upgraded to and just ask the clerk for it.

Comment on this deal

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Guest #2666 - 2 years ago
Vegas seems to have cracked down quite a bit on these. I would only try at smaller hotels. Not the ones owned by Caesar’s or MGM
Guest #678 - 4 years ago
This worked! I was able to get an upgrade at the cosmo too! Thank you! Best $20 I’ve ever spent or bet
Guest #9637 - 4 years ago
Asking is enough for some of us. But if you worked front desk, wouldn’t you rather get $20 for helping?
Guest #362 - 4 years ago
We just ask at checkin if any upgrades are available. Most times we get them for no cost. Only times we have been denied is on busy holiday weekends when they are booked or nearly booked.
Guest #362 - 4 years ago
I always debate doing this but chicken out the last minute.
Guest #362 - 4 years ago
Worked both times I’ve been. Was hardly in room tho
Guest #511 - 5 years ago
You cracked me up, thank you made my day
Guest #616 - 6 years ago
I just ask for 'any upgrades available'... 'whats the highest floor you can get me?'

works all the time.
Guest #481 - 6 years ago
I think it's a plot by an ISIS room clerk
Guest #379 - 6 years ago
How is this back on the front page again? It's a bullshit post started over 10 years ago.
Guest #626 - 6 years ago
Why is this called a 'top deal of the day'?
Guest #446 - 6 years ago
Dare I point out this is not a deal? You can try bribing anyone anywhere. Your mileage will vary.
Guest #481 - 6 years ago
This tip was posted by a room clerk
Guest #277 - 6 years ago
I hope it works better than trying to give a hundred to a California Highway Patrolman.
Guest #498 - 6 years ago
Stay in old Vegas. We got 2 nights for $38 at El Cortez and with a minimal amount of gaming (less than 100 with a little success) we got 2 night comped... 4 nights for $38. Who cares about the bellagio if you're going for discount anyways?
BigJules27 - 1 decade ago
L11 Sergeant

Save gas, save more than $20, remember the Golden Rule, have more fun than trying a simple scam. Stay at home, or just be sweet, and see what happens.
jdopple - 1 decade ago
L5 Recruit
Stay home.

Put the $20 in your pocket.

spydo3x - 1 decade ago
A Spoofster
Reply to ccomstock


spydo3x - 1 decade ago
A Spoofster
I found it's even MORE effective if the folded bill is a Benjamin!

jjcool - 1 decade ago
L10 Corporal
Not a deal.
BigJules27 - 1 decade ago
L11 Sergeant
:wink:Hey TwoHands, it might help if the clerk was a guy.
EthanP2 - 1 decade ago
L9 Corporal
Why do people keep digging this back up out of the ancient posts?
Can we delete or lock this thread? lol geez...
It wasnt a "deal" to start with.
Mateo1041 - 1 decade ago
L13 Sergeant
I think you need to be more direct instead of just handing over the money. But I probably still wouldn't try this. Would rather look for good deals elsewhere with no surprises. Doesn't seem like that much of a deal in most cases.
ccomstock - 1 decade ago
L3 Member
I actually tried this for the first and last time at Mandalay Bay this weekend. I did it against my better judgement, and had already paid for a super suite there so it was just plain silly. She kept my 20 and gave me the room I paid for. I actually got a "downgrade" and had to come back to a different person to get my king bed I paid for vs. the queen bed she snuck us into. Lesson learned, and I'll never do this again. It seemed like a "schmoozy" way of getting things done anyway. I love to tip for great service, and even tip the maids. I'll never try the "sneaky tip" action again though... Just be nice.
cybermom - 1 decade ago
L17 Officer
Reply to JerryP

:sus: Uhhh...Jerry? YOU bumped it! :confused: The last post was from June 26th LAST YEAR!
rjcress - 1 decade ago
L2 Member
When is this "deal" going to die!?
Every time it is re-posted folks speak up that this IS NOT A DEAL.

Lets be honest here... if you are actually NICE to the front desk people at pretty much any hotel, not just Vegas, they'll likely help you out, if they can.

In my experience, most people are rushed, rude, and impersonal with front desk clerks. Try smiling and asking how their day is going... or just NOT being an A$$. I routinely get offered room upgrades without giving away hidden $20s... I'm left to assume that being nice is appreciated.
DanC - 1 decade ago
L27 Lieutenant
Reply to JerryP

Most front desk clerks I've met aren't that astute.
JerryP - 1 decade ago
Lets' go Yankees!
Reply to sweetwinter

That is the most astute comment on this whole thread. Well done.
sweetwinter - 1 decade ago
L17 Officer
I wonder if the original article was posted by front desk clerks by any chance?!!!LOL
Beattraax - 1 decade ago
L6 Recruit
Reply to douglasfir

JerryP - 1 decade ago
Lets' go Yankees!
:yawn: OMG, this thread has been here for 3 years. As the bowl of petunias said, "not again?"

Usually all you have to do to get an upgrade anything is to be friendly and ask. :sleep:
groove1 - 1 decade ago
L17 Officer
Reply to spydo3x

I used to live very close to Niagara Falls (in Grand Island which is a big island in the Niagara River). The rates are very high during the summer anywhere around there, especially at Fallsview. You can get a decent 2 or 3 star hotel for a good prices. Ever since the casinos opened there, it jacked the prices up.

Also, in spoofee's op on this thread, it said this is known to work at Vegas hotels. Remember their motto.
spydo3x - 1 decade ago
A Spoofster
Reply to cybermom


HOTWIRE huh? I'll try it. Maybe with that and another $20 under my ID I can get a FALLS VIEW!!
cybermom - 1 decade ago
L17 Officer
Reply to spydo3x

My husband and I used Hotwire last time we went. We didn't get a room w/a view but we did get a nice room at the Doubletree for about $80 compared to the $150 they were going for.
spydo3x - 1 decade ago
A Spoofster
This experiment has no CONTROL data set. You would need to sample the same hotels to see which gave equal upgrades for NO TIP. This would reveal what effect the tip actually had.

For all we know the clerks were offended and would have offered SUPERIOR or more frequent upgrades with no tip? These experimental results are highly suspect.

- Spyder, Practicing Scientist
spydo3x - 1 decade ago
A Spoofster
We're trying to get a fallsview room mid week, 2 days in July. It costs as much as a WEEK in Cozumel- like $600 plus 14% tax!!

Any ideas spoofistas? I'm tired of lookin at, orbitz, and everywhere else. Nothing even CLOSE to reasonable!

jrdnjstn - 1 decade ago
L12 Sergeant
When I book a room I go through my work which gets a better rate then AAA, military, government or senior rates. I can get a room right now for 52$ then paying the rate which it is going at for 165$. Also when I go on vacation, I only use the room to sleep and change and shower. I like to get out and check out the city I'm staying in. I could care less what kind of view I have from my room. I want to enjoy the city from the city not the hotel window. To each their own though. I'm not complaining.
Mortiki - 1 decade ago
L15 Officer
i have been upgraded many times and it never cost me anything except a little flattery and some butt kissing
rdhidajat - 1 decade ago
L0 N00b
dang... I used to work at the front desk for a hotel, if someone tipped me $20, i'd give them a "complimentary" upgrade, the price they give you is inflated anyways.
DarrenC - 1 decade ago
L7 Private
Cracks me up how upset some people get over this...although it IS repeated a little too frequently for my taste...
cybermom - 1 decade ago
L17 Officer
While this may work as a "money saving tip" I'm hoping spoofy was just in a mood and trying to be funny.

I think the sleeze piece here is the slipping the $20 under the credit card. If you're going to do it why be ashamed? Hold up the bill and ask, "Will $20 buy me an upgrade?"...which by the way I would think would have to be a pretty good upgrade to be worth it.

I wouldn't mind my boys seeing me legitimately trying to buy a service for cheap..(I have my oldest trained to look for clearance signs)..but if you're doing it on the sly...that's not a lesson I want them to learn.
l31007 - 1 decade ago
L2 Member
:claps: :claps: :claps:
Spoofee, that is the best deal posted ever. I love it. Thank you for the info!

And for those of you wondering where the stats are coming from or just wanna hear other people's experiences at each specific hotel, visit the link posted earlier.

1. Click here to see the success stories people are having.
elgrangus - 1 decade ago
L13 Sergeant
My wife tried it at the Orleans while I went park the car. She flashed the 20 and ask for a free room upgrade. Recepcionist smiled and said she gets asked a lot that question. She told us she had no upgrades available... :-(
blackwatch - 1 decade ago
L4 Member
Worked for me 2 weeks ago at the MGM Grand.
elgrangus - 1 decade ago
L13 Sergeant
I'm in vegas right now, I'll try it at the Orleans, will let you guys know how it went.
BTW, has anyone posted success of failure here in spoofee?
Valkyrie - 1 decade ago
L9 Corporal
If you actually expect me to believe that there was empirical statistical data representing a 74.57% success rate, you gotta cite your source. You think Simmons Market Research was outside a hotel saying to folks, �Excuse me sir, did you try to bribe a clerk? Did it work for you or did you just foolishly waste a Jackson?� What do you think the responses would have been?

Or was this data gleaned from clerks? �Taking a poll here. When you accept bribes, do you actually give the customer a better room, ripping off your employer? Or do you just take the money and rip off the customer?�

Where�s the data, baby?

Well obviously you would learn that the data and the statistics came from the website posted at from first hand experienced customers. so it's successes divided by attempts is where that data is coming from and it is good to being accurate.

I have been with spoofee for some years... it is shocking to see a deal like that, but i will take it as information and experience sharing as spoofee been very good with that.

This is not entirely bad, nor right or wrong. Information is presented to you everyday and everywhere, just a matter of how you use it.


I have been with spoofee for years too and i have to admit, i was surprised about this post but i felt like it was one of the best posts EVER! it's awesome seeing all these reactions and cool posts everyone is doing. and it's like "JustLooking!" said, it's just a matter of how you use it. I'm a big fan of random knowledge and this is definately a cool topic to bring up for conversations. Spoofee rocks! :bigok: :bigok: :claps:
WENEEDLIGHT - 1 decade ago :)
hahaha Nice.
JustLooking! - 1 decade ago
Deal or No Deal
I have been with spoofee for some years... it is shocking to see a deal like that, but i will take it as information and experience sharing as spoofee been very good with that.

This is not entirely bad, nor right or wrong. Information is presented to you everyday and everywhere, just a matter of how you use it.

feer5785 - 1 decade ago
L12 Sergeant
Reply to Dothan

hahahaha too funny