Roundtrip Flights Between California and Tokyo Japan from $471

Posted on Oct 05th 2022
Roundtrip Flights Between California and Tokyo Japan from $471
Sophia Davis
By Sophia Davis


Zipair is offering Roundtrip Nonstop Flights from San Jose, California (SJC) to Tokyo, Japan (NRT) from only $471! They are like Spirit airlines where they charge for anything extra, but they are run by Japan Airlines. If you just want to grab a backpack and go explore Japan, this is a great deal!

Let's not forget the insane Yen rates. $1 to 145 yen right now. You can have a nice meal for $7-8.
You can stay at a luxury hotel for ~$150.

This should work on dates between November 2022 - March 2023

Step 1
Use Google Flights to find the cheap dates

Some example

Direct link to Zipair

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Disney Sea


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