(Exp) Free Tape Measure or Magnetic Holder or AA or AAA Batteries with Any PurchaseHarbor Freight is offering the PITTSBURGH 25 ft. x 1 in. QuikFind Tape Measure with ABS Casing or PITTSBURGH AUTOMOTIVE 4 in. Magnetic Parts Holder or AA / AAA Batteries for buying anything
Limit 1 coupon per customer per day
Good until 8/13/2023
Step 1Go to this page and add any item to your cart
Step 2Add one of the following and use the coupon promo code
AAA Batteries - Code 33931061
AA Batteries - Code 33931061
Magnetic Holder - Works in-stores
Tape Measure - Works in-stores
Step 31 per customer per day, 3 per inside track members
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